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We Help Good Businesses Become Great

Aviation Investment And Development Company

Aviation Investment And Development Company offers focused set of aviation consulting services intended to address the unique and specific needs of our clients. Whether an established Air Operator looking to streamline and enhance efficiency, individual or corporate client wanting to safely diversify their investment portfolio, our team has the necessary tools and expertise to help you grow your business, and learn how to properly manage your expansion, or your next project. We partner with our clients to develop engaging business strategies, design high quality and scalable solutions, and build rich brand experiences.

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Wilderness Air


A large and successful charter operator, Wilderness Air operates a mixed fleet of light aircraft across the Southern African region with divisions licensed under CAAs in Botswana, Zimbabwe and Namibia.  


When the Wilderness Air group decided to Standardize its fleet across their three divisions, our experience with regional CAA Regulations and training standards was ideally suited to fulfilling the requirement to provide guidance on developing a training department that would not only provide a high standard of training through a structured and monitored process, but also created a conducive learning environment. 


Our Quality team evaluated their existing training program with reference to ICAO Annex 1 in order to identify and close any gaps. This then formed the bases of the master company Training and Procedure Manual which was then domesticated to comply with the  relevant CAA (Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia). 

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Major Blue Air


Major Blue Air, a well-established air taxi and charter operator, benefited from several of our services which were built around their specific vision and long term goal.​


Our team delivered an ambitious 24 month programme to expand their successful operation to include in-house and third party Maintenance approvals, Commercial Pilot training and the introduction of corporate and Medivac services by introducing Beechcraft King Air twin turbo-prop and Hawker 800XP corporate jet aircraft.​


Our Certification & Quality experts’ project managed the Certification application process and continue to provide Quality and Safety oversight as an independent auditor. Our recruitment specialists sourced the flight crews to facilitate the immediate demand to commence Flight Operations with minimum delay while our Flight Operations and Training team seamlessly integrated the more complex and advanced aircraft into the existing operation while training and upgrading the company’s existing pool of Pilots.


Flying Mission Services


Operating since 1980 Flying Mission Services is a provider of Medecial Emergency Services (MediVac) and has a rich heritage, establish customer base and good will. 


The arrival of new service providers in the market, combined with increasing cost of operations, resulted in a dramatic and almost sudden reduction of market share and demanded innovative solutions be found that would streamline process, improve efficient utilisation of both crew and aircraft, as well as identify new opportunities to spread risk.


Our Flight Operations team developed and delivered tactical strategies to regain market share and introduce services that diversified revenue and took advantage of emerging market areas in the domestic sector.

©2017 by Aviation Investment And Development Company

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